bootnet 1.6 (2024-02-21)
- Changed the way the pairwise, minimum and maximum sample sizes are computed for estimators using a correlation matrix as input with missing data. Thanks to Carl Falk. This might lead to different results compared to older bootnet versions! To recover old results, use the "pairwise_average_v1.5", "pairwise_minimum_v1.5", and "pairwise_maximum_v1.5" arguments in the sampleSize argument of the default functions.
bootnet 1.5.6 (2023-10-04)
- Included min_sum argument in the IsingFit default
bootnet 1.5.5 (2023-08-22)
bootnet 1.5.4 (2023-08-20)
- IsingSampler default set now always uses method = "uni" by default
- Added min_sum and threshold options to defailt = "IsingSampler"
- Fixed a small problem in the bootnet package help file
bootnet 1.5.3 (2023-06-05)
- Improved support for estimation functions with multiple networks of multiple types
bootnet 1.5.2
bootnet 1.5.1 (2023-05-16)
- Changed CRAN NOTE regarding class check
- Fixed remaining deprecated dplyr functions
- Fixed a bug with netSimulator and replicationSimulator print method
bootnet 1.5 (2021-10-25)
- Fixed a bug with bridge centrality indices being incorrectly labeled
- Fixed a bug with that occured when using order = "sample" together with the subset argument
- Removed calls to deprecated dplyr functions
bootnet 1.4.7
- 'binarize' now makes values above the split 1 instead of below the split
- The bootnet plot method now shows values for all centrality metrics when plotting difference tests.
- the mgm default for tuning now defaults to 0.25
- Fixed a bug with bridge centrality indices being incorrectly labeled
bootnet 1.4.6
- bootnet() now no longer re-estimates the network if the input is a bootnetResult
- Several packages are now listed under Suggests instead of Imports
- Included support for the GGMncv package
bootnet 1.4.4
- Fixed a critical error when using multiple cores in R 4.0 on Mac
bootnet 1.4 (2020-05-10)
- Added the transformation functions 'quantile_transformation' and 'rank_transformation'
- Several default sets now use corMethod = "cor" rather than corMethod = "cor_auto" by default!
- Fixed a bug in case-drop bootstrap plotting method
- "Sampled people" is now "Sampled cases"
- Removed adalasso dependency due to CRAN removal
- Added 'multiverse' function for multiverse-plots of bootstrap results
bootnet 1.3 (2020-01-22)
- Added the options pairwise_maximum, pairwise_minimum and pairwise_average to the sampleSize argument of several default functions
- Old functionality in estimateNetwork and bootnet has been removed! This includes graphFun, estFun etcetera.
- Some changes that lead to NEW DEFAULT BEHAVIOR:
- Added the argument 'nonPositiveDefinite' to several default estimators, which will stop with an error when the input is different.
- The sampleSize argument now defaults to "pairwise_average"!
- All default functions are now by default locked unless used from within estimateNetwork
- The plot method now better scales a margin on the top and bottom of the plot
- ggmGenerator now generates thresholds more consistently, leading to unfiform data by default or skewed data if the 'skewFactor' argument is used
- ggmGenerator can now simulate missing data using the 'missing' argument
- corMethod = "spearman" is now supported in several default sets
- Fixed a bug with BDgraph change in genGGM function
bootnet 1.2.4 (2019-08-08)
- Resolved a bug with expected influence crashing bootnet when empty networks were estimated
bootnet 1.2.3 (2019-06-24)
- More informative error when statistics are not included in the plot.
- Updated psych to psychTools
bootnet 1.2.2 (2019-05-09)
- Added 'adjacency' argument to pcor default set, which allows for estimating a network with a fixed structure.
- Fixed parametric bootstrapping
bootnet 1.2.1
- corStability should now return the non-finite values warning less often
bootnet 1.2 (2019-01-24)
- New features:
- Added support for statistics "bridgeStrength", "bridgeCloseness", "bridgeBetweenness", and "bridgeExpectedInfluence". Thanks to Payton Jones!
- The statistics argument in bootnet can now be "all"
- Added bootThreshold function to threshold a network based on bootstraps (e.g., bootstrapped interval includes 0)
- Added bootInclude function to obtain a network of bootstrap inclusion probabilities
- the 'statistics' argument in bootnet now defaults to c("edge","strength","outStrength","inStrength"). This means that closeness and betweenness are no longer stored by default!
- corStability will now use all tested statistics by default
- Updates:
- The corStability function now accepts statistics written with an upper case first letter
- Fixed a bug using default = "mgm" with only one binary variable
- IsingFit and IsingSampler defaults now transform -1, 1 data to 0, 1 when computing network, then back when returning results
- Included the 'includeDiagonal' argument to bootnet to include storing diagonal entries (self-loops) for directed networks only
- Bootnet now copies the library used by the user to the clusters when using nCores > 1. This is important for checkpoint and packrat compatability
- corStability now returns NA for incomputable correlations (e.g., due to infinite values)
- Experimental:
- Added default set "piecewiseIsing" for estimating Ising models while selecting participants on a sum-score (very experimental)
- Added default set "SVAR_lavaan" for step-up structural VAR model selection using Lavaan (experimental)
bootnet 1.1
- New supported default sets:
- "cor" - Correlation networks
- "TMFG" - Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph
- "LoGo"- Local/Global Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix
- "ggmModSelect" - Unregularized stepwise GGM model selection
- "graphicalVAR" - LASSO regularized graphical VAR models
- Some changes to mgm default:
- mgm version >= 1.2 is now required
- Renamed lev to level
- Renamed degree to order, now defaults to 2 instead of 3
- Added binarySign argument. Now chosen by defult.
- Added the 'replicationSimulator' function, which can be used to assess expected replicability of networks
- Many default sets now support the 'principalDirection' argument, which can be used to multiply variables with the sign of the first principal component
- plot method now supports split0 = TRUE, will show how often an edge was 0 and only show CIs of non-zero estimates (faded relative to proportion of times edge was zero).
- Updated the 'genGGM' function to support various different network structures, with thanks to Mark Brandt!
- Added RSPBC and Hybrid centrality, thanks to Alex Christensen
- Added the 'alpha' argument to default set "pcor"
- Added functionality for functions returning multiple graphs
- Added outStrength, inStrength, outExpectedInfluence and inExpectedInfluence
- Fixed a bug reporting the number of non-zero edges in the print methods
- Added 'args' argument to netSimulator
- Fixed a bug in which fun is not usuable in bootnet()
- Added lambda.min.ratio argument to some estimators. Now defaults to 0.01 for default = "huge"
- bootnet and netSimulator now show a progress bar (thanks to pbapply package)
- plot method now shows bootstrapped mean in addition to sample value
- The 'statistics' argument in bootnet and plot method now accept statistics with a upper case first letter, to be consistent with qgraph
- CIstyle argument can now only be one value, and always defaults to quantiles
bootnet 1.0.1 (2017-09-06)
- missing = "fiml" is now supported for EBICglasso and pcor default sets
- Relative importance networks now do not crash when the number of predictors is 0 or 1
- plotting bootnetResults now supports the labels argument
- mgm default now uses matrices to resolve an error with the latest version of mgm
- The plot method of networks estimated using 'estimateNetwork' now uses different defaults than qgraph!
- cut defaults to NULL
- theme defaults to "colorblind"
- parallelEdge defaults to TRUE
- layout always defaults to "spring" (rather than "circle" for undirected networks)
bootnet 1.0.0 (2017-05-04)
- Implemented the netSimulator function that allows for researchers to investigate sample size requirements and input arguments to estimateNetwork
- Added genGGM, ggmGenerator, and IsingGenerator functions to be used in netSimulator
- bootnet now stores less results and should have better memory usuage! Thanks to Giulio Costantini!
- Fixed some bugs related to manual parametric bootstrap
- EstimateNetwork now references packages used in a message
- pcor default set now supports the argument 'threshold'
- Fixed a bug where rule argument was not passed in bootnet default set
- Bootnet now supports directed networks
- Relative importance networks now implemented using default = "relimp"
- Updated compatibility with MGM version 1.2.0
bootnet 0.4 (2017-01-17)
- estimateNetwork now accepts a custom estimation function using the argument 'fun'
- Reworked default sets as functions!
- This makes it easier to change common arguments, such as the EBIC tuning parameter
- See the following functions for details:
- bootnet_EBICglasso
- bootnet_IsingFit
- The corStability function now has a greatly improved output
- Default set "IsingLL" has been renamed to "IsingSampler"
- Default set "mgm" is now supported
- labels argument is now supported in difference plots
- Quantile now uses type = 6, this makes CIs slightly wider and therefore the difference test slightly more conservative
bootnet 0.3 (2016-09-04)
- Eiko Fried joined the author list
- Added 'estimateNetwork' function, allowing one to estimate the network structure
from within bootnet
- The plot method will run qgraph on the estimated network structure
- The qgraph function getWmat can now be applied to networks estimated in bootnet.
Allowing one to use, e.g., centralityPlot on a network estimated with
- Added 'differenceTest' function to test for significant differences between edge
weights and centrality indices
- Added 'corStability' to compute the CS-coefficient as described in our paper:
- Epskamp, S., Borsboom, D., & Fried, E. I. (2016). Estimating psychological
networks and their accuracy: a tutorial paper. arXiv preprint,
- The plot method now supports 'plot = "difference"', to make plots of significant
differences between edge-weights and centralities
- New default sets:
- "huge"
- "adalasso"
- 'nCores' argument added to bootnet to use parallel computing
- bootnet print methods now print a list of relevant references on the network
estimation procedure used
- When EBICglasso is used as default set, variables that are made ordinal are now
printed only when estimating the first network
- Updated CITATION such that citation("bootnet") now references the pre-print
- Bootnet now gives a message on loading that it is BETA software
- Added 'statistics' argument to bootnet. Now, distance and length are not stored by
- Several minor bugfixes